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Sketch Collection

Evergreen Trees

I love the way a single tree can stand out in a forest. In particular, I am drawn to evergreens and the endless variety in shapes, sizes, and hues.

Some have graceful boughs, others have grown through difficulty and have a scar to prove it, while others lift whimsical branches that look like they came out of a Dr. Seuss book.

While deciduous trees have the beauty of the light green new growth in the spring and vibrant colors in the fall, evergreens give a rich, constant color to the forest. When I’m hiking in late fall and winter, the hemlocks, cedars, and firs are a reminder that spring time is coming.

Evergreens also reminder me that God is a provider through every season. Trees provide shade to rest in. Limbs to climb. Safe places for birds to nest. A playground for squirrels. They remind me of the creative power of God and at the same time his tender care to even the smallest thing.

The trees of the Lord are well watered,
the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
There the birds make their nests;
the stork has its home in the junipers.
Psalm 104:16-17 


This collection is an ongoing work because the variety is endless. Whether it’s a single specimen or a cluster of evergreens on a hillside, I’m always on the lookout for a new subject to sketch. Some of these sketches focus on the shapes and movement, while others focus on finer details.

Evergreen Trees, No. 1
Single fir tree.
3×6 inches, pencil on white paper, 2024


Evergreen Trees, No. 2
Rough sketch of fir tree in snow.
2.5×6 inches, pencil on white paper, 2024


Evergreen Trees, No. 3
Yellow cedar tree.
2.5×5.5 inches, pencil on ivory paper, 2023


Evergreen Trees, No. 4
Cedar tree.
2×6.5 inches, pencil on ivory paper, 2023

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